Monday, March 28, 2011

 So I know I haven't blogged in quite some time. However please don't think it hasn't crossed my mind a thousand and one times! Within the h.u.g.e gap I have gathered so so many precious things to share with you.
Life's been a bit of a roller coaster the past 3 months but on happy days such as these I've found the time to come across things that inspire me. I was walking with my pretty friend Georgi tonight and we were on the subject of blogs, so that just happened to be a little slice of inspiration for me to get back on and blog to share with you the piles, files and smiles I've been storing up!
             Here are some photos I appreciate. I hope you can too!! :)

ps. If you have any links or stumble across a website or anything gorgeous please please share it with me!!
Love you 
Chloé x

1 comment:

  1. I feel almost famous! Loved the walk last night and LOVE your page <3
