Sunday, April 24, 2011

So on good Friday I spontaneously decided to take a trip back to my parents house out in Kurrajong to stay the night as they were away on Easter break. My best friend and I spent the night there and decided to head over the mountains on Saturday and see what quirky things we could come across and see where we ended up. On our journey we came across some old furnace ruins in the middle of a big paddock. It was perfect for photography and video footage even though it was sprinkling rain. The place had so much atmosphere, even though it seemed a little scary with the steam train noises in the distance it was so cool to explore these historic ruins. With our footage and photography I decided to make a short film, so have a watch and get a snippet of our adventure at the furnace ruins. Happy Easter! loads of love
Chloé x

Friday, April 22, 2011

So today being Good Friday. My housemate and I decided to use it as a 'Good' excuse to make a 'Good' breakfast before church. Thought id share with you this lovely part of my morning cos it made me happy! And how pretty does our house look!! 

all my love,

Chloé x

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today I am loving this little rocking chair. Designed by a Dutch furniture designer, not only would it be fun for the baby but fun for you too!! Ive already lined my dad up to make me one someday when I have my babies! Just thought it was something cute to share :)

Much love
Chloé  x